Lounges, dining and communal areas

Residents can relax in any of our homely, restful and stylish lounges. The display of lovely pictures, ornaments and flower arrangements add to the inviting and homely feel. The French doors and large bay windows offer our residents a magnificent, panoramic view of the charming landscaped garden.

Our lounges are equipped with large flat- screen televisions, Digital Movie players and high- quality sound systems to provide recreation and entertainment. Those who enjoy peaceful relaxation can take advantage of the quiet sitting room and our small library of books.

Our well- appointed dining areas are spacious and smartly arranged in an informal homely style, so us
residents can choose to dine with family or friends, or alone if they prefer. Here, too, one can enjoy the view of the beautiful grounds outside.

All the communal areas are bright and spacious, spotlessly clean and attractively decorated. A maintenance person is employed to keep the home in perfect order.

The home is suitably designed for easy wheelchair use. All doors are extra wide, 2 lifts provide access to the bedrooms on the other two floors and there is level access to all outdoor areas enabling our non- mobile residents to benefit from the lovely garden. All the corridors and bathrooms are fitted with handrails.